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Plain and Fancy

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Friday, February 21, 2025

Various Artists - Love And Peace (1970 germany, solid krautrock compilation, blend of blues psych prog rock, 2005 remaster)

Love And Peace were a big outdoor festival in Germany (Fehmarn, last live performance of J. Hendrix) held in the summer of 1970. As was traditional for such events, an album was also released to document it. Though, actually, the album consisted of mock-live studio recordings from German bands that performed at the event, recorded under better conditions in the studio. All the music is original and features rare material from Thrice Mice, Tomorrow’s Gift, Dr. Roberts Blues Band, Sphinx Tush with latter Frumpy guitarist Rainer Baumann and Greenlight. 

Artist - Title - Composer
1. Thrice Mice - Drive Me (Mick Abrahams) - 3:23
2. Greenlight - Junior's Wailing (Martin Pugh, Martin Quittenton) - 5:51
3. Tomorrow's Gift - Begin Of A New Sound (Bernd Kiefer) - 4:46
4. Greenlight - Why Didn't Rosemary (Ian Paice, Jon Lord, Nick Simper, Richie Blackmore, Rod Evans) - 4:02
5. Tomorrow's Gift - At The Earth / Indian Rope Man (Bernd Kiefer / Richie Havens) - 20:20
6. Dr. Roberts Blues Band - Tribute To Johnny Winter (Christian Becker) - 3:53
7. Greenlight - Red House (Jimi Hendrix) - 4:16
8. Thrice Mice - Pig II (Arno Bredehöft, Rainer von Gosen) - 10:45
9. Sphinx Tush - Crashville (Rainer Bauman) - 5:09
10.Greenlight - Summer In The City (Mark Sebastian, Steve Boone, John Sebastian) - 12:51

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  1. Can't unzip. Seems to be corrupted. track 6 is the problem, I think. Any chance you check and reupload? I tried a dozen times to no avail.

    1. Hi Michael, both parts must be in the same folder to unzip, then mark only one file, add the pass and files will be extracted.

  2. I checked again and found the problem. Since I had to download part 1 a few times (turbobit does that often) the file was already uncompleted there. Everytime I tried again my system added (1) and the (2) and so on. So when I got it completely it was with an added (4) so 7-zip couldn't put both parts together. I deleted the added part in the file-name and now it worked perfectly. Sorry to bother. And thanks for all your good work by the way. Great pages.
