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Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Golden Earring - Golden Earring (1970 holland, exceptional hard classic rock with psych and prog shades, 2001 reissue)

Golden Earring found the titular Dutch quartet forging the unique style that would later pay off in successful albums like Moontan and Cut. At this point, the group's sound is best described as post-psychedelic FM rock with a pronounced hard rock element (strong, gutsy guitar riffs about on this record -- just check out "The Loner" or "Back Home"). A lot of the songs have the atmosphere and elaborate arrangements associated with prog rock, but the group keeps the arrangements and the running times tight (the album's lengthiest song is just a little over six minutes). 

The most overtly artsy track on the album is "Big Tree, Blue Sea," an energetic and complex rock tune that includes Jethro Tull-style flute and packs a dizzying array of tempo and stylistic changes into a tune only half as long as the average prog tune. Other highlights on Golden Earring include "This Is the Time of the Year," a song whose effect arrangement juxtaposes quiet verses with spare instrumentation with dramatic chorus powered by a powerful guitar riff and "Back Home," a solid example of the kind of good-time rocker that would dominate Golden Earring's late-'70s albums. 

The strong music and the band's tight musicianship makes a tuneful effort that is well worth a listen. 
by Donald A. Guarisco

1. Yellow And Blue - 3:45
2. The Loner - 3:29
3. This Is The Time Of The Year - 3:33
4. Big Tree Blue Sea (George Kooymans, Barry Hay) - 6:12
5. The Wall Of Dolls (George Kooymans, Barry Hay) - 3:33
6. Back Home - 3:52
7. See See (Barry Hay) - 3:13
8. I'm Going To Send My Pigeons To The Sky - 5:59
9. As Long As The Wind Blows - 5:17
All songs by George Kooymans except where noted

The Golden Earring
*Rinus Gerritsen - Bass, Keyboard
*Barry Hay - Flute, Vocals
*George Kooymans - Guitar, Vocals
*Cesar Zuiderwijk - Drums

The Golden Earring 
1965 Just Ear Rings (2009 extra tracks edition)
1966  Winter-Harvest (2009 extra tracks issue)
1968-69  Miracle Mirror (2009 bonus tracks edition)
1969  On The Double
1969/71 Eight Miles High / Seven Tears
1972  Together
1973  Moontan
1977  Live (Double Disc)

1971  George Kooymans - Jojo
1972  Barry Hay - Only Parrots, Frogs And Angels

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