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Monday, July 11, 2011

Nova - Blink (1976 italy, interesting progressive rock with fusion jazz elements)

A logical precursor to Brand X, Nova is an Italian fusion band that features the mind-numbing bass and drum interplay of Brand X, but follows through with guitar, sax and vocals as well. Vocals are in English, and unlike many Italian bands that use English vocals, the singing does not detract from the overall quality of the music. After listening a few times, I realized that Nova has four lead instruments:

The guitars, sax, bass and drums all play lead-styled lines, at the same time, for the most part. The overall product is a very complex jam with occasional vocals. Any fan of Brand X, Ossana or Area may find this interesting listening. I find it fantastic - yet another long lost Italian classic. This is their first album. They recorded three more, and I've heard that they got "rockier" as time went on. Whatever. "Blink" stands on its own. Highly recommended.
by Mike Borella

1. Tailor Made - Part 1, Part 2 - 5:09
2. Something Inside Keeps You Down - Part 1, Part 2 - 6:11
3. Nova - Part , Part 2  - 7:10
4. Used To Be Easy - Part 1, Part 2  - 5:12
5. Toy - Part 1, Part 2 - 4:21
6. Stroll On - Part 1, Part 2 - 10:33

*Elio D'Anna - Alto, Soprano, Tenor Saxes, Flute
*Franco Loprevite - Drums
*Luciano Milanese - Bass
*Corrado Rustici - Lead Vocals, Acoustic, Electric Guitars
*Danilo Rustici - Electric Guitar
*Morris Pert - Percussion


  1. This band is an evolution of an Italian prog group "Osanna". Good music ahead of its time. Thank you Marios

  2. Only know them by name. Thanks for the opportunity to have a listen...

  3. Happy new years day to you Marios, and all your family too.

    Please will you make Nova blink again ?

    Thank you in advance.


  4. Have just downloaded this a few minutes ago, many thanks to you Marios

