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Friday, November 16, 2012

Colonel Bagshot - Oh! What A Lovely War (1971 uk, amazing atmospheric psychedelia through guitar-based soft-progressive to folky ballads, 2012 Flawed Gems remaster)

‘What A Lovely War’ … is entitled to such a puzzling irony, the British band’s debut LP Colonel Bagshot does not rocked the Billboard list of the very rich musically 1971. What’s more, in their own country no one even thought about release their album. Debut took place only in the United States.

The next album, which was released for the first time on CD, thanks to the Swedish label: Flawed Games… album devoted to anti-war topics is a piece of excellent, soft – progressive music under the sign of the late Beatles, The Strawbs and early Moody Blues. And while fans of 10-minute solos on the Hammond organ and distorted guitars may feel disappointed, but fans of the good old play based on a clear and ambitious arrangements of tunes from the early 70′s – should be thrilled!

I’m a big fan of this album, but I needed a few hearings to bite deeply into her mood. Just one little thing … Over 10 years ago, an American DJ just took the tape from the first track (Six Days War), remixed it a bit, added a typical soul drums, made a clip of the starving people of Africa i .. so “borrowed” a piece has reached the very top of the U.S. charts and sold millions of copies!and was used for the soundtrack of “Phone Booth” starring Colin Farrell (no relation to Brian).

Funny story is that these facts at the time it was, not Internet (yes, yes meant that contemporary rock librarians ‘Colonel Bagshot’ filed under band from the USA.

No, but now that we have the internet … it turned out that the native British people of flesh and blood!

The group was formed in the late ’60s. They played a lot of concerts and recorded albums. Their work, we compare some of the achievements of The Beatles, The Moody Blues, or even The Strawbs. Album padded ro is the 3.4-minute intervals protest songami a strong anti-war message and already less librarians determine how this type of music: psychedelic rock, or so-called soft-progressive … It is important that arrangements are top notch, the board listened to with great pleasure, even after so many years, and “Colonel” can sometimes bump so that the heel is coming! …. Just great!

Colonel Bagshots toured with Slade and went through transitions with new band members before Brian Farrell Became a solo artist signed to Warner Brothers and Kenny Parry, Dave Dover, Terry McCusker went on to form ‘Nickelodeon’ tight and very popular rock / pop trio. Colonel Bagshot reformed in 2006 for the launch of a book about the 70′s music scene at the Cavern in Liverpool.
by Adamus67

1. Six Day War - 3:58
2. Lay It Down - 3:07
3. Lord High Human Being - 3:00
4. Headhunters - 2:47
5. I've Seen The Light - 4:45
6. Dirty Delilah Blues - 4:15
7. Sometimes - 2:02
8. That's What I'd Like To Know - 4:00
9. Smile - 2:55
10.Tightrope Tamer - 2:50
11.Oh! What A Lovely War - 3:18

Colonel Bagshot
*Brian Farrell - Vocals, Guitar, Stylophone
*Kenny Parry - Vocals, Guitar, Keyboards
*Dave Dover - Vocals, Bass Guitar, Keyboards
*Terry McCusker - Vocals, Drums

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  1. Totally unknown to me ! Thanks very much for the opportunity to explore it...

  2. Thankx a lot, totally unknow to me also.

  3. "The Beatles, The Moody Blues, or even The Strawbs"...ok, I guess I must check it out! Does it have mellotron??? :D hugs Adam!

  4. Thanks, Marios!
    Mr Adamus, this album is like of glass of ambrosia!

  5. Excelent choice-great album.Thank you...

  6. The sticker is right, this album is truly amazing. I'm glad FG had the courage to finally re-release this "flawed" gem. Thank you, Marios! Youre taste is, really, flawless.

  7. Now this album I love!!! Thanks for posting this unknown gem!!!

  8. I've finally gotten 'round to listening to this a few times and I find this to be such a fine, hard-to-classify album.

    The text posted by Adam suggests that there may be more albums?!?!! At least, a first, self-titled album. Would love to hear that!!!

  9. Was thinking, this might also be pleasing to some fans of Procol Harum. The tracks are simpler and don't get nearly as heavy as some classic Procol does, but I think there is some similar sensibility to Procol ballads here perhaps.

  10. Adam has messaged me, turns out, just this one album. :(

  11. Thank you so much, I have been looking for any info about this album for an hour, it's great that I have eventually found it <3

  12. Hi,
    Can you please re-upload? Link-safe is down.

  13. Wow, thanks for the swift response!

  14. Please could you re-upload it?

  15. Cañamón, "Colonel Bagshot - Oh! What A Lovely War", reUp...
