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Sunday, May 8, 2011

Dschinn - Dschinn (1970-72 germany, remarkable krautrock with powerful arrangements and impressive vocals)

Back to the spring of 1970. Influenced by the Beatles and their musical revolution, a whole generation stepped into a new feeling and created a creed of another future. Therefore the angloamerican rock-dreams also forced a lot of creative sub-culture living and progressive sounds in Germany.

The story of  Dschinn started in the heart of Hessen/Germany, near the city of Marburg, when a bunch of creative, young musicians decided to found a rockband. The Hurricanes were born. With their own songs and explosive stage shows they were after a career in music business. By setting such a high goal they played live concerts everywhere - at clubs, universities and of course at countrywide pop-festivals.

The result of these efforts: they gained a lot of awards at up-and-coming-rock-festivals, national performances at famous beat-clubs such as the StarDust (formerly called StarClub) in Hamburg. It also was on stage, as they were discovered by an influentual businessman. In sympathy with their first producer, who just had become both their greatest fan and financial supporter the band had to change their former name into Dischas. They could soon release their first single "Here What I Say/Come Back To Me", which shot into the Austrian charts and even was placed in the Top-ten for a couple of weeks.

Despite of further singles placed in the charts and further performances on stages such as SWF Baden-Baden and Funkausstellung Berlin, the band decided to change their music style radically. Due to this decision, not only their contract had been released, but also their former group-name had become too old-fashioned., so they now called themselves Dschinn, which sounded much more sophisticated - as a symptom of those times. Of course-from now onwards the band entered the progressive musicgenre, too.

Dschinn started with a brandnew set of remarkable songs with powerful arrangements and impressive vocals. All tracks we recorded at Tonstudio Mitte Bremen. Even though recording-quality should be rated as rather poor, the nusicial output must be honoured as real Krautrock-jewls, that stood out against the efforts of some other contemporary artists in Germany. Looking for a new record-company, the Band contacted Bacillus records, a subsidary of Bellaphon, Frankfurt and sow their first and only album "Dschinn" was released 10 years after the band had been founded.

Unfortunately this little masterpiece was no big success as it disappeared in the great oversupply of music. Finally, in 1972 the rockgroup disbanded. The last musically sign of Dschinn was their track "Rock ‘n’ Roll Dschinny”, a marvelous highlight, which had been placed two years later on a Bellaphon-sampler.

1. Freedom - 4:48
2. Fortune - 4:56
3. I'm In Love - 4:46
4. Train - 4:56
5. Let's Go Together - 3:11
6. Smile Of The Devil - 4:24
7. I Wanna Know - 3:34
8. Are You Ready - 4:03
9. For Your Love  - 4:11)
10.Rock'n Roll Dschinny - 3:07
11.Day After Day (Outtake) - 2:43
12.Give Me A Little Love (Outtake) - 2:58
13.Can't You See (Outtake) - 3:11
14.Road Tune - 2:20
15.Woman - 2:26
16.Hurry Up - 3:39
17.Take Me Back - 3:27
18.Never, Never - 2:52
19.Let's Go Together Alt - 2:18
20.Come On Come Back - 2:31
21.Hear What I Say - 2:54
Bonus Tracks 9-21
Tracks 14-21 as  Dischas

*Bernd Capito - Lead Guitar, Vocals
*Peter Lorenz - Lead Vocals Rhythm Guitar
*Silvio Verfurth - Bass, Vocals
*Athanasios Paltoglou - Drums, Percussion
*Uli Mund - Drums, Percussion

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  1. Hey,Marios! I'ts always a great pleasure to examine ...Your shares,I bought this album a couple of years ago....
    The album was recorded in 1972 at a recording studio in Bremen, and then on the label, Bacillus Records. offered a good dose of heavy rock, which left us at that time an average of Krautrock releases far tyle.Silne songs, some brilliant guitar and drums solid, interspersed with lyrical songs. Successful album. Good interpretation of the old classic Yardbird "For Your Love. " The song "Rock N Roll Dschinny"was published in 1974 on the Bacillus Records Compilation. Of course, most fans know krautrock album is great, but in the case of this album, bonus tracks are of comparable quality. It's all prog / hard rock and psych effects, fuzz guitar driven, hard rock, with (often typical krautrock)
    For collectors Krautrock scene , this album is certainly an interesting subject.......thanks

  2. Thanks Marios, this is an upgrade which will result in my exploring this material for the 2nd time.

  3. A classic of the genre. Very good guitar. Thanks a lot...

  4. Everything is dead here. As representation of krautrock scene is not so widely observed here, maybe this one needs to be reuploaded some time in the future, I hope ;)
